Groupon Redemption

To redeem your Groupon voucher at Beauty Rx Aesthetics, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the entry form below to create your profile with Beauty Rx Aesthetics.

  2. You will be sent a medical history form and consents for review and electronic signatures.

  3. After reviewing your forms and eligibility, our healthcare providers will reach out to schedule a virtual consultation to review dosage recommendations within the purchased plan, required supplies for administration, and answer any questions before sending your order to the pharmacy. Please note that we will need a photo of your drivers license to submit the order to the pharmacy.

  4. The pharmacy will process the order and will ship the medication to your home.

  5. We are available via text or call whenever you have any questions during your treatment.

  6. If you have any issues or questions: Please email

Step 1: Fill Out Entry Form

Next Step: We will send you a medical history form and consents for review and signatures.


  • Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication specifically designed for adult weight management. Semaglutide is a type of medication called a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist, which mimics the hormone GLP-1 that the body naturally produces. The breakthrough weight loss solution lowers blood sugar levels after meals. It regulates blood sugar by stimulating glucose-dependent insulin secretion.

    Semaglutide slows down the release of sugar into your blood, so your body burns more fat. It also delays stomach emptying, leaving you feeling fuller longer and limiting your overall calorie consumption.

    Several clinical studies show that weekly Semaglutide injections are highly effective at promoting weight loss. In one study, individuals treated with Semaglutide lost an average of 9-13 percent of their body weight over the course of a year without making any changes to their diet and exercise habits.

  • The consultation, medication and shipping is included. Syringes and alcohol wipes can be purchased from amazon. The syringes cost about $10-20 depending if you want 20 or 100 syringes.

  • Semaglutide cannot be prescribed to anyone with the following and should not be purchased: BMI under 30, eating disorder, gallbladder disease, drug or alcohol abuse, recent bariatric surgery, pancreatitis, medullary thyroid cancer, currently pregnant or breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant, Diabetic retinopathy, Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. 

  • It’s crucial to know that semaglutide results don’t manifest right away. Having realistic expectations and attending all your treatment sessions will increase your chances of satisfactory results. Men and women who eat well, exercise, and stick to their treatment plans observe a stunning transformation.

    One way to stay motivated and observe your progress is by taking before and after photos. Session after session, you’ll see how your body is reacting to the treatment.

    Semaglutide is a promising option for those looking to lose weight. Its ability to suppress appetite, reduce cravings, and increase fullness can lead to faster weight loss. Those with Type-2 diabetes especially benefit from an extra perk—improved blood sugar control.

  • Our medical staff can be contacted by email, text or phone call.

    (331) 200-1323